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Financical Statements

Moadata pursues transparent and stable corporate management through technological innovation and growth.

Consolidated Financial Information - Consolidated statement of financial position

(KRW : Won)

Assortment 2023year 2022year 2021year
current assets 37,707,137,322 32,968,261,079 13,340,301,282
non-current assets 35,312,149,086 22,840,322,363 11,538,605,321
Total assets 73,019,286,408 55,808,583,442 24,878,906,603
current liabilities 31,917,957,151 18,076,704,606 4,084,181,277
non-current liabilities 1,030,571,627 657,151,086 1,453,997,143
Total liabilties 32,948,528,778 18,733,855,692 5,538,178,420
Equity Attributable to Owners of Parent 38,292,225,873 37,074,727,750 19,340,728,183
Capital Stock 16,840,906,000 16,392,816,000 2,280,536,000
Capital Surplus 14,652,648,765 13,696,847,805 11,906,419,232
Capital Adjusting Accouts 46,544,263 477,222,004 440,433,384
Retained Earnings 6,752,126,845 6,507,841,941 4,713,339,567
Non-controlling interest 1778,531,757 - -
Total Stockholder's Equity 40,070,757,630 37,074,727,750 19,340,728,183

Consolidated Financial Information - Consolidated income statement

(KRW : Won)

Assortment 2023year 2022year 2021year
Revenue 24,542,153,231 21,713,748,176 19,642,515,854
Gross Profit 11,919,064,582 10,125,152,420 8,670,882,348
Operating Profit (357,661,650) 1,078,590,391 2,709,731,879
Net Income (582,707,850) 1,794,502,374 1,083,407,339
Total comprehansive income (582,707,850) 1,794,502,374 1,083,407,339
Basic earnings per common share 7 57 57

Separate financial information - statement of financial position

(KRW : Won)

Assortment 2023year 2022year 2021year
current assets 37,182,224,927 32,566,478,991 13,340,301,282
non-current assets 33,109,035,866 23,305,324,355 11,538,605,321
Total assets 70,291,260,793 55,871,803,346 24,878,906,603
current liabilities 30,921,520,730 18,036,552,880 4,084,181,277
non-current liabilities 549,194,069 657,151,086 1,453,997,143
Total liabilties 31,470,714,799 18,693,703,966 5,538,178,420
Capital Stock 16,840,906,000 16,392,816,000 2,280,536,000
Capital Surplus 14,652,648,765 13,696,847,805 11,906,419,232
Capital Adjusting Accouts - 477,222,004 440,433,384
Retained Earnings 7,326,991,229 6,611,213,571 4,713,339,567
Total Stockholder's Equity 38,820,545,994 37,178,099,380 19,340,728,183

Separate financial information -Income Statement

(KRW : Won)

Assortment 2023year 2022year 2021year
Revenue 22,563,604,517 21,713,748,176 19,642,515,854
Gross Profit 9,940,515,868 10,125,152,420 8,670,882,348
Operating Profit 1,287,279,628 1,182,387,348 2,709,731,879
Net Income 715,777,658 1,897,874,004 1,083,407,339
Total comprehansive income 715,777,658 1,897,874,004 1,083,407,339
Basic earnings per common share 22 60 57

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